His Metamorphs |
Setuju kan kalo gw bilang billie joe itu cowo Paling paling di dunia ini. ya paling keren, paling ganteng, paling enak suaranya, paling wokeh maen gitarnya, paling paling juga dia mau ama gw wkwkwkw... *ngarep.
He`s The sexiest man alive,one of the hottest people ever created hahaha...
his Quote is "A kid walked up to me and asked 'whats punk?' I kicked a garbage can
over and said 'thats punk'. The kid kicked over a garbage can and said
'thats punk?' and I said 'no, thats trendy'". lol
I have been a huge Green Day fan all my life.
Hey SeXy..!!!! |
and good musician too :D
yoyoi .. sesuatu bangeeet. :p
aku ga begitu suka greenday sih!
aku sukanya SLIPKNOT
SLIPKNOT juga kereeen ya topeng nya apalagi WES BORLAND hoaaaa.. cooL.
Life style like This...
ho.ho..ho.. keren om rezaaa.
ijo ijo nya nyusul yak.
yeah,,,he is my brother,,,:D
Brother from another Mother!!!
*sirem kuah bakso.... xixixixi
Check check..
Commenting test.. :D
Aduh, ketemu sesama penggemar Billie Joe.. Sayang sekarang ada Aldo, kalo ngga, mau deh gw jadi istri kelimanya BJ jugaa.. :D
iyaaa tanteee... billie joe udh tua tp tetep keren hahaha.. hadeeeh pasti bangga bgt kalo ane jd anak nya.
mang ada ya personil slipknot yang namanya wes (ewes) borland.... setau gw bukannya slipknot g akur ma s wes ewes.... mohon petunjuk kalo gw salah...
Buahahahaha i was wrong!!!
wes borland mah Limp Bizkit ya hahahahaha sorry sorry..
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